Saturday, February 14, 2009

LoVe LoVe LoVe

Valentines Day, Saturday night, cold outside. Me, alone, sitting at my computer. Okay it's not really that bad, but seriously I miss my hubby. Sadly I'm sure there are more nights like this to come. It's not like he's off doing something fun without me, unless studying for a test is more fun then hanging out with his wife----impossible! I love you babe.
Luckily we were able to spend last night with each other and we're moving our "Valentine's Day" to next week when things aren't' so crazy. Although V-Day has never been a big day for us, but it is nice to go out. Last night SAA had their February Formal. We were able to get dressed up, have FREE babysitting, FREE food and be with friends. It was an etiquette dinner so we learned a lot, or I may be confused more now then ever on what fork to use for what. But we had fun.

Jackson was pretty excited about Valentine's. Here he is hiding a gift for Tyler, although for the past week he's been saying "Mommy let's give daddy his book". He's a great secret keeper.

Valentine brownies---too yummy!

Little Olivia Valentine is named after my Grandma B. Her name is Emma Valentine (she always went by Val or Valentine). Today is Grandma B's birthday, she passed away 7 years ago. One day I know Olivia will know the sweetness of her name. Grandma B was such a fun sweet Grandma. She was lovable and loved her family. She could make you laugh and loved laughing at her own jokes (much like my mom now). You are missed Grandma. Happy Birthday Valentine!


Val said...

That is so cool about Olivia's middle name. I love to hear the story behind kids names. So fun!

Sara said...

I'd forgotten that O's middle name is Valentine. That's so cute.

And, hey, don't feel too bad ... David worked Friday night AND last night. We ate dinner at 10:30. haha. Oh well, it was still yummy. :)

Danielle said...

I hear ya on those nights that the husband is missing. Sad to say that you are right...there are many more to come but they sure are worth it and am so glad that you and I can relate on that level. We miss you too! Ben keeps saying he wants to play with Jackson and I have to remind him that he lives in MO, but like that does anything for Ben...he has no clue what that means. Take care of those cuties and so glad you are bloggins so much more lately.

melanie33 said...

free food and free babysitting... well it doesnt get much better than that.
i feel for you with the absentee husband. i can relate to it and now that i am basically out of that it's kind of weird to have a husband again. don't worry, its a good weird. i look forward to you having that again.

Jenny said...

I'm so glad that you have joined the blogspot world. Now I can finally comment on your blog. You were freaking hot at the formal btw.

Jer & Cort Smith said...

I am so glad that you are becoming part of the blogging world. I am a really good example...I like to update once every two months! We miss you guys. You guys sure clean up well, hot picture of both of you.

Ryan Kristi & Kade said...

Hey guys! We have missed you! Your kids are so big and cute! I have been keeping up to date with you now for a little while, and always tell Ry all the fun things that are happening with ya!
Take care -Kristi