Wednesday, December 8, 2010

27 weeks and Thanksgiving

Yep I'm putting these two posts together. It just seemed like more work to split them up :). I promised my sister I would post a pic every month so I am a bit behind. Here I am, 27 weeks. I had an ultra sound last week and both babes were 2lbs 1oz and healthy. They are growing and so am I. My goal for the next few weeks is to be more positive about pregnancy. I am not a good pregnant person. I'm sick (yes still), can't breath, can't sleep, can't exercise, can't cuddle my kids, ask Tyler nearly every day if he still thinks I'm cute (he's smart and always answers yes). I just plain hate being pregnant. But I am very grateful for these little ones and know it's not forever. So I'm going to TRY to have a better attitude :)Moving on to much cuter people.
Thanksgiving was awesome. We were fortunate to spend it with friends we haven't seen in months. We spent the first 2 days of break with some friends in Illinios (which i didn't get pics of). Then we made the rest of the trek to Ohio to see the Warners and Millers. Well worth the drive.
We missed these cute faces.
And I know J missed being surrounded by all girls.

And I certainly missed these 2 faces.

Thanks for the fun relaxing week. The kids played so well together we hardly had to do much. They even all slept in one room. It was fun to hear them giggle as they tried to go to sleep, and of course O was always the last one asleep. Thanks for the good food, laughs and late nights. We can't wait to see you again.


SewSara said...

you seriously look so good, aim!! i miss you (and those other gals) a ton! so jealous you got to see them. i wish i was still there so i could come hang with you and help you out w/ the new babies soon. great pics!!

lauramarie said...

you look so cute! and we pretty much have the same due date, and i only have one baby, and i seem to be the same size as you:) oh the joys:)

Morgan said...

you look good kid. cant even tell you got 2 in there.

jeff and cindi said...

so I was all excited to post my comment and then realized everyone is putting the same thing, but seriously you look fantastic so as much as your hating pregnancy, it doesn't look like it's hating you. (if I even make sense). I'm so excited for you guys!

danny & shante said...

i just love your belly! and i love that i can complain to you about mine and you completely sympathize. i also REALLY love you for being a drug mule and sending me magic pills. rub that belly for me! see you in a few short months!

Ash and Joe said...

oh my gosh aimee you look so good! i am sorry that you still feel sick. that is just plain awful. if you find a way to stay positive throughout your pregnancy share the secret!

Tamara Jacobs said...

aim, you look amazing!
oh, we miss you guys!
i'm so sorry that you've been so sick! good thing you guys have really cute kids!
we were so bummed we weren't around when you drove through columbus!!!
sounds like you had a fun thanksgiving!
love you guys!

Monica Lifferth said...

I've already told you how cute you are, but you don't believe me. ;)

kristin wise said...

Ok, you are darling! I keep expecting you to be bigger. I am honestly not far from being your size and I'm only 14 weeks along. I get comments like, "Oh, you're ONLY that far along?" I'm in trouble. I know you're uncomfortable and not feeling great and it really sucks sometimes, but I know you will make it through beautifully! You are amazing. And it's ok to complain. It's hard. Love you. You can do it!

Jill said...

Aimee ya look great! That stinks that your still sick though.