Saturday, November 13, 2010

This first born of ours

The other night I tickled this little boys face to sleep (i love that he still lets me do that). And I started thinking what a special little boy he is. There is something special about your first born, something that maybe only a mom and dad can see. I see it in J everyday.

I feel like he has grown up so fast since he started Kindergarten---which I love and hate all at the same time. His reading and writing skills make me smile. He was never one to sit and create things but now he wants to do it all the time. He wrote this book the other day in church (of course it was about avatar). Here are one of my favorite pages. It made me laugh.
If you can't see it, it says---
"But Momo wanted to flush himself down the toilet".
"I will flush me down the toilet".

I love that he wants to sleep in nothing but his cute little boy underwear.
I love that he thinks it's cool to slick your hair back.

I love that he'd rather have shrimp, crab and mushrooms over any other food.
I love that if we're making anything with cheese (cheese chips, cheese eggs) he always asks if he can do the "cheesening". I now am starting to use it like a real word.
I love that he wants to make costumes out of paper (which really doesn't work). This is his bat costume.

I love that he lets his sister in on everything he does. They really have such a special bond, and always have.
I love that he has figured out how to let O do everything for him :). Put his dishes in the sink, get him a drink, fetch the remote (as i write this O is letting me know that J wants a cookie). She's happy to do favors for him.

Most of all I love that he's ours. I truly feel that Heavenly Father sent him to us first for a reason. He's such a good big brother and I know he'll love these new babies. He has such a tender heart.
We love you J!


TLJ said...

Preslee and Jones always had a blast when they got to play with Jax and Olivia. Tell him SpongeTodd says "Hi"! We miss you guys!

Morgan said...

I loved that. I agree with you- there is something so special about your firstborn
Aren't you glad that you and me didn't have twins first...the whole first born thing would be a 2 minute difference...and that could be confusing. especially if they looked alike...

Stephanie said...

That is so cute. He is such a sweet brother (& O such a sweet sister).

I, too, had great expectations for my oldest. I know I have yet to see so much of Henry & his personality, but so far I couldn't be happier with him & am excited to see how he is with siblings. As a second child, I looked up to my older sister & did everything she did. I really think the oldest is special.

Melanie Chambers said...

Cute Aimee. I especially love that your kids love painting without their shirts on. I think everyone would love to paint without their shirt. He's such a cute boy. Could it be true that we really get to see you guys next week???

MOM & DAD said...

Loved this. Of course, I cried

Megan said...

What a cute post! Makes me miss you guys! :( It's true, something special about the first (and about each one, but it's different, ya know?) And I am glad he didn't start creating until Kind...S doesn't want to "create" that much either!

Bree said...

So sweet! I can't believe how big they both are getting. Wow, time really does fly by. Can't wait to see you guys!